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Note and Holiday Cards

In this age of email, texting and Social Media, it’s really wonderful to receive a holiday card by regular mail. It’s very popular for people in the Hamptons to use family portraits on their holiday cards. They have their family portraits made over the summer and then select either a photograph of the whole family, part of the family, or just the kids, for their cards.

If you think you may want to your family portrait on a holiday card, here are 6 things to think about during the planning stage of the photography session:

1. Do you want the photograph to be of the whole family or just the children?

2. If you have a pet, do you want to include them as well?

3. How many cards to get: If you sent cards last year, did you have enough?

4. Who to send them to: Some clients have business and personal clients that get the cards. In these cases, it’s important to include the family name. Other clients send them to the teachers at school or sport coaches as well as family and friends.

5. Some cards have the photograph printed right on the paper. The photograph is part of the texture of the paper. Other times the photograph is attached. It’s your choice.

6. Sometimes it’s nice to include a thoughtful quotation. Some quotes that my clients have used in the past are:

“If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments” – Anne Morrow Lindberg

“The path is best that leads you back to those you love” – which is a nice touch with the right photograph.

We offer many beautiful and unique cards to choose from. And just think – selecting your holiday card during your summer family portrait session takes off the pressure of getting it done at the last minute!



Summer in the Hamptons is all about gardens and farm stands, beaches and boats. And speaking of boats I am excited to announce that this year we have acquired an 18’ Marshall Catboat to use for portrait sessions on the water. This beautiful classic sailboat is named Eastern Star and follows an original design from the mid-19th century. It has a very roomy cockpit and gorgeous sloping teak sides. Plus, its beamy size ensures that it is comfortable and safe.

Going on a relaxing sail, stopping at a remote beach, and even riding in the identical sailing dingy are all wonderful opportunities for me to capture images of parents, children, couples, and even grandparents interacting and having fun. Eastern Star promises a uniquely enjoyable photography session. And the finished portraits really evoke the feeling of the Hamptons in the Summer. Here are some samples:

photocrati gallery
If you would like to book your portrait session on Eastern Star, please call and save your date now! 800-432-1235