Seven Tips For Irresistible Family Portraits On A Cloudy Rainy Day

Seven tips for what to do when the forecast for your outdoor beach portrait day is supposed to be rainy with thunderstorms, gusty wind and your client has only one day they can schedule.

1. Pray for a break in the rain. Cross your fingers AND your toes!


2. Have a client who is at least flexible in terms of the start time. Look for a break between the showers.

3. Don’t panic if it starts to rain, it may be a small shower and blow over.


4. If the wind picks up look for a location with protection from wind.


5. Professional cameras are watertight, a little rain is OK. Keep shooting.

Tips on Photographing Families On Cloudy Rainy Days6. Stay positive. Keep smiling. If you have a good time, your clients will too.

Tips on Photographing Families On Cloudy Rainy Days7. Work with what you have. Think outside the box. Take a chance, try something new!