Pet Portrait Photography

Whether you are a first time owner of a new puppy, or have a treasured family dog that’s seen all of your children grow up, or a show dog, having professional photographs made is always a good idea. As a professional pet photographer, photographing dogs comes with its unique set of skills and preparation. Patience and calmness is a must. Pets are like people, they have their own personalities and temperaments. It is important to establish a rapport with each dog.

Here are seven tips on preparing for your dog portrait session.

1. Location: Decide on a location that’s meaningful for you. Do you like taking your dog to the beach, are you used to playing with your dog at home. Talk with your photographer about what you enjoy doing most with your pet.

Pet Portrait Photography
Golden Retrievers in their flower and vegetable garden

2. Grooming: This is best done the same day before the session. A shiny clean coat makes for the best photographs.

Pet Portrait Photography
Afghan show dog, beach setting for a magazine cover

3. Handler: If you are going to be keeping your dog under control, bring along another person to help get your pet’s attention.

Pet Portrait Photography
Jack Russell puppy
4. Toys and Treats: Every pet loves being rewarded for doing a good job. Bring along toys and treats your dog likes.
Pet Portrait Photography
Red Retriever and Labrador Retrievers

5. Leash: Bring a leash that’s neutral colored and as small as possible. A well-mannered, well behaved dog is always a plus.

Pet Portrait Photography
Jack Russell on a boat dock and Welsh Corgi at the beach

6. The Unexpected: Playtime with your dog can lead to some unexpected photographs. Relax and enjoy your pet, that pleasure will come through in the photographs.

Lap dogs in a home setting

7. A Family Heirloom: Dogs come into our lives for different reasons and by different means. However they arrive, they become an integral part of our families. When creating an heirloom portrait make sure your clothes coordinate with your pet. Solid earth tones for park, garden or yards work well. For a beach setting, wear lighter colors, pastels, whites, and blues can be very pleasing to the eye.

Dachshunds and an all american bred dog at a Nature Preserve

I have a nineteen year old cat, a thirteen year old dog and a twenty eight year old horse. I am thankful for all of the photographs I have of each of them. Each day they are on earth is a blessing. When they are gone, I have hundreds of  photographs of our lives together. Cherish your pet!