Heirloom Family Photographs

In this day and age of digital photography, instant photographs, iPhone and iPad cameras, Instagram and the like, I wonder what will happen to the traditional classic family portrait photograph. In twenty years, where will your children find images of you and themselves? I think what is lasting will be what photographs are on your wall, in a photo album or on your desk. As a family portrait photographer my greatest gift to my clients is creating heirloom family photographs that will last beyond their children’s lifetime.

My ninety-three year old mother lives quite a distance from me and I visit her several times a year. Many years ago I had given her a copy of the photograph below, a special memory for our family. It was my birthday and she was making a carrot cake to celebrate! My youngest son Kristofer was in her arms tasting. My older son Jan had his own spatula to lick.


On my most recent visit my son Kristofer, her grandson came along. At first she wasn’t sure who he was. She looked perplexed at the handsome twenty-three year old six foot tall young man in her room.  We showed her the photograph from many years ago and said this is your grandson all grown up!


The light in her eyes was amazing!! The joy she had in realizing who Kristofer was was priceless. Thank heavens for heirloom family photographs.