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I will admit that besides being a professional portrait photographer, I am a Pinterest addict. What better venue to feast my eyes than thousands of wonderful photographs? Every day I watch how light falls upon someone’s face, or admire an outfit that brings out someone’s personality or see a landscape I would love to be in. Pinterest offers me hundreds of choices. Perhaps some of my signs of addiction match yours.

1. FOLLOWERS: First thing upon waking every morning and that first cup of coffee is checking on the number of followers on my Pinterest site. I have no clue how or why I think that the hours I sleep will magically make new followers appear. I probably check for followers at least four other times during the day. I always love it when suddenly new people are “Following”. I feel a twinge of disappointment when the numbers stay the same.



2. PINNING: I set strict guidelines for making new pins. The photographs must be large, well lit, have good composition, be expressive and in focus. Even if I like an image but it doesn’t meet my criteria for one reason or another, I pass it by. When I pin it, I make sure the description makes sense and usually embellish when inspired. I am picky about what I pin.



3. TIME LIMITS: Whenever I find a few minutes free during the day or evening, I am on Pinterest. The time seems to fly by. In fact, if I am not careful I can sit at my computer for hours. My dog comes in and out repeatedly checking to see if her dinner is coming soon. I promise her ten more minutes, or just until I finish searching someone’s board I find exciting. She signs and curls up in her bed again. She is so patient with me.

Signs of a Pinterest Addiction

4. NEW BOARDS: When ideas for new boards come to me throughout the day, I write them down. I always start them out as a secret board. When I search for other peoples similar boards I am amazed how many there are to choose from. I am methodical in my searching. I check every person’s board on the new subject. Eventually, I see similar images and realize I must go elsewhere in my search for bold evocative images. I enjoy learning about the subject as I go.

Signs of a Pinterest Addiction

5. EDITING BOARDS: After adding new pins to any board, I check to make sure it is not a duplicate. I hate duplicates! Sometimes I change the board cover to give the board a new look. I may run through many images to find the right one. It must meet my standard of excellence with the cropping. I tend to go for lighter images, or photographs that are intriguing and might draw you into the board to see more. I’m always looking for beauty and balance.

Signs of a Pinterest Addiction

6. WILD ABANDOMENT: At times I throw out all my rules of time limits; restricted searching on one topic and just see where clicking on an intriguing image will take me. I have found the most interesting boards, gotten new ideas, and learned about the history of people or places in the meantime. Occasionally, throw out all the rules and pin for pins sake!!

Signs of a Pinterest Addiction

If you haven’t tried Pinterest, do!  It’s a way of traveling without leaving your seat. It’s fun, entertaining, educational and can be relaxing. I hope you enjoy it too!!



As a portrait photographer, I welcome families with teenagers. I look at it as an opportunity to engage a young adult who is not running away from me at the beach as toddlers may do. Instead, I look for a line of communication that will inspire the teenager to humor me and his family in the often required portrait session. I have six suggestions to help make the portrait session a success.

1. Clothing: I have a clothing guideline for families where the suggestions apply to teenagers; however it’s important for them to also bring some of their favorite outfits. They’re at the age where their idea of the “traditional portrait” might not necessarily be in line their parent’s idea. It’s important to have clothing options.

2. Treat them like adults: Enter conversation to engage them in topics they are interested in. Are they involved with sports? Music? Computers? Reading? Find a common ground.

3. Engage them in an activity they enjoy: For beach photography, I often ask parents what sports their kids enjoy. Do they play football, baseball, or frisbee? Do they like to swim, boogie board or surf? Maybe they still like making huge sand castles. Find out what they like and have them bring along their toys. Any way I can get them to be engaged in an activity of their choice, I will probably be able make candid natural looking photographs.

4. The Shy or Unsmiling Teenager: Not every photograph has to have the subject looking at the camera or smiling. I love a pensive reflective look. There is always the imagined “GQ” pose for guys where a smile would be laughed at. I like to let them be themselves. Forced smiles never look good. Kids with braces can be too embarrassed and feel there non-smile look is best. Never force a “smile”. Candid photographs from the side can reveal the true personality too.

5. The Unexpected: Sometimes I ask them what they would like to do? This group of boys all jumped up in the air. They thought it was hilarious and it turned out to be a nice photograph as well. Do something unexpected. Ask for the ridiculous if necessary.

6. Speed: These kids are smart, keep things moving. Don’t linger long in one place or overwork one idea. They will lose interest fast.

The art of photographing teenagers requires grace and tact. These young adults are striving to have their own unique style and sense about the world. As a portrait photographer, I want to reveal who they are at this time in their lives. Their long hair, torn jeans, earrings and hobbies are part of their identity . It’s important to have fun together and create beautiful photographs with pleasant memories.