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Every photograph I make has a story. The equestrian portraiture that I enjoy making began as a love story when I was a young girl. The first time I spotted I horse, I shouted with glee, “Horsey”. That same passion has been at the core of my existence and brought me to this land of free and wild horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. This is the story of a stallion and his herd.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Rising at dawn I drove the park loop searching for any sign of a horse be it a tail swish, an ear or even fresh manure. The particular morning, I made this image began with a sight of a head just over the ridge. I parked my car and slowly walked toward the other side of the hill for a better viewing spot. My efforts rewarded I found band stallion Silver with his large herd of mares and youngsters.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkSome grazed along the shadows, they moved slowly up the hillside. Their black coats almost made them disappear in the shadows of the mountains.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkThere on top of the hill was band stallion “Silver.” So magnificent with his flowing gray mane and tail set against the white color of his body. Every watchful for any danger that might approach his herd.He stood in the same place for a very long time.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkIt became apparent he had injured a front leg. He was not putting any weight on it. To move, he would rear back on his hind legs and shift ever so slightly his good front leg.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park My heart was aching. This was a terrible injury. Knowing well what it takes to survive in the wild, this seemed like potentially a life-threatening leg injury.
I photographed him in awe and silence. I sat and just spent time watching. When I felt it was time to move on, I started walking down the hill towards my car. Feeling torn about leaving, I turned back and to my pleasant surprise he had turned to watch me depart and so had his herd. I was able to make a few more images of him and his tribe.Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkWild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Two days later Silver disappeared. His herd was split up between some of the major stallions in the park He was no where to be seen., Less than a week later, he was found deceased. A mighty legend in the park moving on to peace and a place in heaven.

The photograph of his tribe was chosen to hang in a juried exhibition at The Jewish Federation on Chapala Street in Santa Barbara, California. It’s a terrific show if you are in the neighborhood, stop by. The show is up until February 22, 2018.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park

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My soon to be daughter-in-law is the daughter I always wanted. It was extra special for me to be at her wedding dress selection with her mother and best friend. Beautiful from the inside and out, I am so happy she fell in love with my son. I am looking forward to their wedding October 1st 2016 at The Rincon Beach Club in Santa Barbara.

Choosing The Right Wedding Gown


Choosing The Right Wedding Gown

Choosing The Right Wedding Gown

Choosing The Right Wedding Dress


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In this day and age of digital photography, instant photographs, iPhone and iPad cameras, Instagram and the like, I wonder what will happen to the traditional classic family portrait photograph. In twenty years, where will your children find images of you and themselves? I think what is lasting will be what photographs are on your wall, in a photo album or on your desk. As a family portrait photographer my greatest gift to my clients is creating heirloom family photographs that will last beyond their children’s lifetime.

My ninety-three year old mother lives quite a distance from me and I visit her several times a year. Many years ago I had given her a copy of the photograph below, a special memory for our family. It was my birthday and she was making a carrot cake to celebrate! My youngest son Kristofer was in her arms tasting. My older son Jan had his own spatula to lick.


On my most recent visit my son Kristofer, her grandson came along. At first she wasn’t sure who he was. She looked perplexed at the handsome twenty-three year old six foot tall young man in her room.  We showed her the photograph from many years ago and said this is your grandson all grown up!


The light in her eyes was amazing!! The joy she had in realizing who Kristofer was was priceless. Thank heavens for heirloom family photographs.