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Whether you are a first time owner of a new puppy, or have a treasured family dog that’s seen all of your children grow up, or a show dog, having professional photographs made is always a good idea. As a professional pet photographer, photographing dogs comes with its unique set of skills and preparation. Patience and calmness is a must. Pets are like people, they have their own personalities and temperaments. It is important to establish a rapport with each dog.

Here are seven tips on preparing for your dog portrait session.

1. Location: Decide on a location that’s meaningful for you. Do you like taking your dog to the beach, are you used to playing with your dog at home. Talk with your photographer about what you enjoy doing most with your pet.

Pet Portrait Photography
Golden Retrievers in their flower and vegetable garden

2. Grooming: This is best done the same day before the session. A shiny clean coat makes for the best photographs.

Pet Portrait Photography
Afghan show dog, beach setting for a magazine cover

3. Handler: If you are going to be keeping your dog under control, bring along another person to help get your pet’s attention.

Pet Portrait Photography
Jack Russell puppy
4. Toys and Treats: Every pet loves being rewarded for doing a good job. Bring along toys and treats your dog likes.
Pet Portrait Photography
Red Retriever and Labrador Retrievers

5. Leash: Bring a leash that’s neutral colored and as small as possible. A well-mannered, well behaved dog is always a plus.

Pet Portrait Photography
Jack Russell on a boat dock and Welsh Corgi at the beach

6. The Unexpected: Playtime with your dog can lead to some unexpected photographs. Relax and enjoy your pet, that pleasure will come through in the photographs.

Lap dogs in a home setting

7. A Family Heirloom: Dogs come into our lives for different reasons and by different means. However they arrive, they become an integral part of our families. When creating an heirloom portrait make sure your clothes coordinate with your pet. Solid earth tones for park, garden or yards work well. For a beach setting, wear lighter colors, pastels, whites, and blues can be very pleasing to the eye.

Dachshunds and an all american bred dog at a Nature Preserve

I have a nineteen year old cat, a thirteen year old dog and a twenty eight year old horse. I am thankful for all of the photographs I have of each of them. Each day they are on earth is a blessing. When they are gone, I have hundreds of  photographs of our lives together. Cherish your pet!


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Do you have a website that’s being redone and your photograph needs updating? Have you always dreamed about becoming a model but have no photographs of yourself? Are you an executive that has changed companies, or looking for a different look for your promotional material? Maybe you have just written a book, started a new home based business and need a headshot? All of these requests come into my portrait studio throughout the year. Each one requires special attention to clothing and location.


Professional Headshots

Avoid stripes and patterns. Clothing should be pressed, neat and fit well. Ladies if you are wearing jewelry keep it simple. Men, please chose a basic tie, shave or beards need to be trimmed. If you hair is too long, make your appointment for a haircut a week before the session. Professional make-up done on site is the norm. I will be taking a variety of shots: Full length, ¾ and close-up. Some shots will be formal, some more casual. You will have plenty to choose from.

 Authors, Actors and Other Professionals:

Professional Headshots

Wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and gives you a professional look. Lighter clothing is better than darker. Avoid stripes and patterns. Bring several outfit changes and include short and long sleeve shirts. Long sleeves can be very flattering. Men, if you need a haircut, please make your appointment a week before the session. Everything shows. Shave if you like that look or trim your beard. Collared button down shirts photograph well. Ladies, have your hair done the day of the session if you have a specific look you enjoy. Make-up should be natural and what you commonly use for day wear. I will be taking a variety of shots: Full length, ¾ and close-up. Make sure you can sit comfortably in whatever clothing you have decided to wear.


Professional Headshots

I like to provide a “model” client with four completely different photographs. Scouts like to see how the person may photograph in different settings so I use at least two different locations. I make a formal type shot, a casual, an active shot, a variety of close-up, ¾ and full length views, black and white and color. For the scruffy look for men, I suggest starting off with that look. Then shaving and changing clothes for the rest of the session. The planning stages involve finding out what activities the client enjoys most. I suggest bringing several outfits for each setting and I can choose what will work best the day of the session. Often, I provide the client with an 8×10 which includes a mix of photographs and the statistics like name, height, weight, contact number, and so on.

Personal, Online Dating:

Professional Headshots

For this photography session I recommend wearing clothing that makes you feel attractive. Bring a variety of outfits so that there will be much to choose from. Lighter colors work well than darker. Again, avoid stripes and bold patterns; the viewer wants to concentrate on your face, not your clothing. I like to choose a location that you enjoy going to; be it a beach, a garden, a park. I need you to be relaxed and content so your comfort is paramount! I will be photographing a headshot, a three quarter view and a full length so whatever you decide to wear make sure you can sit as well as stand.

Whatever your situation is, having professional headshots made gives a great first impression to your clients, your readers, modeling agencies, potential dating partners.



Deborah Kalas Photography is a home based business. Thursday, it was completely overrun by two chefs given the task of making 95 cakes of all sizes in less than 24 hours. The kitchen remained off limits to all house inhabitants including Deborah Kalas, Mike Blount, her new assistant, and the nineteen year old cat, Pumpkin Pie. The thirteen year old Welsh Corgi, Buttercup was the occasional floor sweeper who failed to report her delicious findings to the rest of us. The scents of cakes wafted through the house all night and day making sleep and work a delicious task. Noon on Friday the coconut crème layer cake and upside down blueberry cake [ a semi ridiculous idea since when you turn the cake upside down the blueberries fall out] were packed up to ship out. I was reminded several times these were recipes that their employer had provided them with. Not their own!



Cakes of all sizes

Both chefs are graduates of The French Culinary Institute in New York City. I had no doubt that they would complete their task on time. With powdered sugar all over one and a day’s worth of beard growth on the other it’s a good thing they created these masterpieces privately.

Cakes of all sizes

Cakes of all sizes


When I think back to where this obsession with cakes and baking may have begun, I am reminded of an early photograph I made at my mother’s house twenty-one years ago. The occasion was my birthday. My mother was making the most delicious carrot cake. This particular day she had two helpers in the kitchen, her grandson’s Kristofer at eight months and Jan who was two and a half. Perhaps tasting the cream cheese icing, there was a chef in the making captured forever in the moment of a photograph.



Watch for more upcoming food blogs. It looks like chefs Kristofer and Gabriela will be spending the summer in the Hamptons cooking for a variety of restaurants and private clients.