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Keeping any athlete at the top of their game usually requires a host of skilled professionals to maintain the body in peak performance. As an equestrian jumper rider, I have used Pilates, Massage, Physical Therapy, and Cross Training for fitness. Horses require similar care. Working as an equestrian photographer, I am fortunate to photograph horses in many aspects of their life.

This past week I had the pleasure to photograph Ilija Lukic from Kit Miller and Associates working on Zhum, a 9 year old show jumping star! Pictured below is Ilija working to increase the motion in Zhum’s head and spine. Technically, this technique is known as the “motion palpation of the atlanto-occipital joint.”

Equestrian Photography: Equine Body Work

Zhum is ridden by Olympian McLain Ward in the 145 and 150 meter divisions. He won the 150m jumper class January 13th, 2013 at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida.

Equestrian Photography:Equine Body Work

Considered a relatively young horse, Zhum continues to amaze his owners Ian Feder and Missy Clark with continued success. I am sure all the body work he receives helps him continue to perform at his best.