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When choosing what to wear for a family portrait session, I suggest to my clients to think about making a “Bouquet of Flowers.” Since color harmony represents a pleasing balance of two or more colors, not everyone has to wear the exact same colored clothing. Once you choose your basic color, either use a monochromatic relationship varying the hues of that color, or a complimentary relationship of colors that balance each other out as in a flower arrangement. Below are three samples of color choices for family portraits.


Complimentary: The pink, green and white colors all complement each other. Even though different colors are used, the tonality is the same and the colors blend well.

Clothing Choices For Family Portraits

Monochromatic: A lot of portraits I make are at the beach. Blues of any shade usually look great in the finished portrait. In this photograph, the people are wearing blue and white. The blue water and white foam adds to the harmony of the finished photograph.

Clothing Choices For Family Portraits

Complimentary: The orange and green clothing complement each other. The dune grass in the background adds to the harmonious look with the chosen colored clothing.

Don’t forget that simple and plain work best so the focus is on the person’s face. Avoid stripes, patterns and bold logos. Lighter tones are better than darker for outdoor location portraits. Most of all, remember to relax and enjoy your time together as a family.


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Seven tips for what to do when the forecast for your outdoor beach portrait day is supposed to be rainy with thunderstorms, gusty wind and your client has only one day they can schedule.

1. Pray for a break in the rain. Cross your fingers AND your toes!


2. Have a client who is at least flexible in terms of the start time. Look for a break between the showers.

3. Don’t panic if it starts to rain, it may be a small shower and blow over.


4. If the wind picks up look for a location with protection from wind.


5. Professional cameras are watertight, a little rain is OK. Keep shooting.

Tips on Photographing Families On Cloudy Rainy Days6. Stay positive. Keep smiling. If you have a good time, your clients will too.

Tips on Photographing Families On Cloudy Rainy Days7. Work with what you have. Think outside the box. Take a chance, try something new!

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Making family portraits is my passion. I am thrilled to work with families that return year after year for family portrait sessions since I get to  photograph the children as they grow. I started photographing this family when they were pregnant with their first child in 2005. Since then, they have a second child and Applejack, the family bulldog has aged considerably. The beach is a place they frequent and enjoy so many of the sessions have been at different ocean and bay beaches. I choose playful and fun activities that the family can participate in. This series of photographs was made in the summer of 2013 and represent pages from their family storybook album.

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums


Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Each year this family chooses a new family activity to include in their album. Over the years, we have photographed Dad arriving at the train station, the town ice cream parlor, and pumpkin picking at Pumpkin-town. This year their older son had an interest in surfing. In the end, everyone participated.

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

 Dad was a great sport opting for the final page with a giant splash!