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As a family and children’s portrait photographer in the Hamptons I know the best expressions come from children having fun in an activity they enjoy. The expressions are natural and heartfelt. So a few years ago I started using my classic 18 foot Marshall sailboat to bring me and my families to remote beaches in picturesque Three Mile Harbor for family portrait sessions.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

To add to the excitement for young children, we pretend pirates have buried treasure. I make treasure maps that lead the children to the chest of jewels and rings. Sometimes when a child finds the treasure they would scoop it up and take off running to find a more secluded spot to examine the contents of the chest.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The shallow water around the beach lends itself to nets and fishing rods. There are lots of little fish and small sand crabs to find. Even if not found, the looking is fun.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The family pet has joined in the adventure. We have had bulldogs, labs, Chihuahuas and the like. Applejack and his trusty companions were in the dingy when he decided it was time to exit. The children had fun keeping the boat upright in the shallow water.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

As a child, my Dad used to take me and my brothers exploring. That has stuck with me through time. I like the quietness of the beach and letting children naturally explore the shoreline and inland seeing where their imaginations take them.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The photographs at sunset are breathtaking with the golden light and deep blue water.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

Then off for a sail in the harbor at sunset and back to the dock with happy and sleepy children.

For more information on our Hampton Adventure Portrait sessions please contact Deborah at 631.324.1862 or email There is also a collection of photographs on Pinterest at:



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Making family portraits is my passion. I am thrilled to work with families that return year after year for family portrait sessions since I get to  photograph the children as they grow. I started photographing this family when they were pregnant with their first child in 2005. Since then, they have a second child and Applejack, the family bulldog has aged considerably. The beach is a place they frequent and enjoy so many of the sessions have been at different ocean and bay beaches. I choose playful and fun activities that the family can participate in. This series of photographs was made in the summer of 2013 and represent pages from their family storybook album.

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums


Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Each year this family chooses a new family activity to include in their album. Over the years, we have photographed Dad arriving at the train station, the town ice cream parlor, and pumpkin picking at Pumpkin-town. This year their older son had an interest in surfing. In the end, everyone participated.

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

 Dad was a great sport opting for the final page with a giant splash!



I could also title this blog, “The Life of a Tree,” “Climbing Trees”, or “A Tree over Time”. I have been a portrait photographer in the Hamptons for over twenty years. When I photograph I imagine what would be enjoyable and interesting for my clients. I like my portrait clients to be engaged in whatever it is we are doing. I feel that natural expressions come forth and enable me to photograph who that person really is. One of my favorite locations has a giant tree. It’s a magical tree with all of its nooks and crannies stretching out over the sand by the bay.

Portrait Photography, The Life of a Tree

This giant tree has held countless children and families in its limbs.

Portrait Photography, The Life of a Tree

I remember how much fun I had as a child climbing trees. The world looks so different through the limbs of a tree.

Portrait Photography, The Life of a Tree

Some families have chosen to make their holiday cards from the portraits on the tree.

Portrait Photography, The Life of a Tree

I started using this location with its giant limbed tree over twenty years ago. It has weathered many storms, lost some branches and many leaves. This is what it looks like now, in July 2013. I wonder what portraits I can make from its aging limbs.

Portrait Photography, The Life of a Tree

Time will tell!