

Working as a photographer all of my life, no two days are alike.  One of the reasons I choose photography as a profession was because I enjoy meeting new people, being in a variety of situations and being challenged by new environments. When I am photographing, I am looking for the essence of a person, a family, an animal and work to reveal the inner beauty of that being. I like to get inside how a person is feeling, shape the background and light and choose an expression that is natural and authentic. Photographing families, children, horses and pets requires different gear and clothing. Every day is different. Every job is unique.

A typical day might look like this:

8:00am. On the road to create a new headshot for one of my regular clients. She recently aquired a new job and needed her headshot updated. I always arrive early and find the best light and background for a natural lifestyle type headshot. I pick three different areas to photograph in so my client has plenty of choice when selecting their favorite photograph.My client exudes energy and personality and was a joy to photograph.

Professional Headshots

Professional Headshots 

After the session I dash back to my studio to download and edit the files for her selection. She needed the finished headshot by the next day so I want plenty of time to edit her final choice to make her deadline.

12:30pm  A clothing change from business casual to practical horse show comfort  clothing and the appropriate shoes for dust and dirt.  There were several riders in two classes being held  in classes running simultaneously to each other. Luckily the rings were next to each other. It felt a bit like the Olympic winter sport of cross country skiing and then shooting with accuracy at a target. I ran back and forth from ring to ring with my target being the best jump with the best light and background to create a wonderful wall portrait at the right moment.The horses that compete in both of the divisions are brave, bold and beautiful. 

Open Jumper Class
Open Jumper Class, Lucy DesLauriers

I love the focus and concentration of horse and rider. The fence is huge and requires all of their attention to clear. They make it look effortless.

Hunter rider Scott Stewart at the Hampton Classic 2017
Scott Stewart, Hunter Division at The Hampton Classic 2017

Jumper horses need to clear all the obstacles in the fastest time to win. Hunter riders and horses have a different goal. They need to jump evenly, consistently and gracefully over every jump in beautiful form. They must have the appropriate tack, manes braided and their riders must have on specific clothing for this division. It is like watching a ballet, every jump needs to be smooth. When you see an added step, a hesitation, a rail get hit or dropped, they loose points. Scott Stewart is one of the top hunter riders and trainers in the country.  

3:30pm Back to my studio to download and post the photographs. Another clothing change. This time I need to wear clothes that can get wet and dry quickly. I have an evening beach session with a family I have photographed for a number of years. I will be crawling around in the sand and walking in the water. The weather is perfect and the light is exquisite. 

6:00pm I am at my favorite beach waiting for my family to arrive. Since our last session, there is a new baby coming. I can’t wait to meet her.

Beach Family Portrait Session
Beach Family Portrait Session

Even though I start with some different family groupings in the sand dunes, my favorite part of the session is when the light is perfect and the families are playing together. I love looking for the natural expressions and gestures that speak about the love that embraces this family. Water splashing, sand kicking up, giggles and laughter feeds my soul!

8:30pm. On my way back to the studio to download files, back them up, check my gear and equipment for the next day.

10pm. I have a little time to catch up on my social media, send emails, and pay bills. With all of the days’ jobs complete, clients happy, deadlines met, equipment safe and clean I can call it a day, and a happy one at that!!


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Equestrian portraits for High School seniors has become very popular. With my experience as a lifetime equestrian and as an equestrian photographer, I know how to work with the horses and their riders. Planning and preparation make the sessions flow more effortlessly.

  1. Make sure the horse is fed and well groomed. Do attend to those ears and whiskers.
  2. I like have several outfit changes so bring along a variety from very casual to more formal attire.
  3. Have a groom to help manage the horse and keep him or her calm between clothing changes. Horses do like to take advantage of beautiful green grass and eat it any chance they get.
  4. Another helper can get the horses attention when needed.
  5. Choose a location that has a variety of settings.
  6. Start in the late afternoon to end with golden light.
  7. Bring peppermints!!

 Having had a successful show career with this horse and many others, saying good-bye to a “best friend” is never easy. Feeling the weight of responsibility to create an enjoyable session and lasting memories for Amber, I was helped by her grace, beauty and connection with her horse.

Horse Portraits


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Equine Portraits from the Winter Equestrian Festival

I met Emma at the end of the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida this year. Her family had bid on my equestrian auction portrait at Just World International Benefit Gala earlier in January. Just World International works through the international equestrian community and its extensive networks to fund and sustain programs that provide basic needs in developing countries. It’s a terrific organization doing great work.