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As a family and children’s portrait photographer in the Hamptons I know the best expressions come from children having fun in an activity they enjoy. The expressions are natural and heartfelt. So a few years ago I started using my classic 18 foot Marshall sailboat to bring me and my families to remote beaches in picturesque Three Mile Harbor for family portrait sessions.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

To add to the excitement for young children, we pretend pirates have buried treasure. I make treasure maps that lead the children to the chest of jewels and rings. Sometimes when a child finds the treasure they would scoop it up and take off running to find a more secluded spot to examine the contents of the chest.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The shallow water around the beach lends itself to nets and fishing rods. There are lots of little fish and small sand crabs to find. Even if not found, the looking is fun.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The family pet has joined in the adventure. We have had bulldogs, labs, Chihuahuas and the like. Applejack and his trusty companions were in the dingy when he decided it was time to exit. The children had fun keeping the boat upright in the shallow water.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

As a child, my Dad used to take me and my brothers exploring. That has stuck with me through time. I like the quietness of the beach and letting children naturally explore the shoreline and inland seeing where their imaginations take them.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The photographs at sunset are breathtaking with the golden light and deep blue water.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

Then off for a sail in the harbor at sunset and back to the dock with happy and sleepy children.

For more information on our Hampton Adventure Portrait sessions please contact Deborah at 631.324.1862 or email There is also a collection of photographs on Pinterest at:



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Years ago, I lived on a farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I raised goats, chickens and honeybees. I grew vegetables and trained horses.  Springtime meant seeds in the ground, crocuses and daffodils beginning to flower, baby goats and chickens to tend to. The air was fresh. Horses felt like running and bucking. The temperatures were rising and the days were getting longer.

While the rest of the country has been through countless snowstorms, ice and cold this winter,I have been fortunate to winter in Florida. I greet springtime in Wellington.  In a walk around the block, there was new life to be found everywhere.


A mother duck herds her flock across a road. So many tiny ducklings, how does she keep track of all of them?

Springtime Photographs

A pony has a four day old foal. All it wants to do is eat and sleep.

Springtime Photographs

It doesn’t venture very far from its mother’s side.

Springtime Photographs

It has difficulty navigating those long legs to lie down and get up.

Springtime Photographs

I hope you enjoy my springtime and your own.

Take some time to slow down and marvel at the beauty of mother nature!!


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As a family portrait photographer, I am used to subjects that wiggle,sometimes run, climb, dance, swim and are in perpetual motion. Choosing which fleeting moment to memorialize is always a challenge.

I had the pleasure yesterday to photograph the delicacies of Cuisinier and Chocolatier Kristofer Kalas. Many of the ingredients were grown locally- well maybe not “New Zealand Cockles” or the “Alaskan Sockeye Salmon”…but all was as fresh as possible. So instead of my subject giggling  and moving out of the range of my lens, my subject was melting every extra minute I took to frame and expose.

So, for some “Summer Lovin”, feast your eyes on the photographs below starting with some homemade ricotta, sunflowers, espelette, thyme, sungold tomatoes, honey pate de fruit:


Food Photography: Summer Lovin


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, agretti (look it up!), white beets and green apple foam


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Spring radishes, baby beet greens, baby leeks


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Kougin Amann...Need I say more?


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Nooks and Crannies-Homemade English muffin, cherry and thyme confits and whipped butter


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Yellowfin tuna, rubbed with olive oil and sea salt, baby leeks, preserved lemon and corn


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Carrots, curry, ramp greens and spring onion


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Scallops a la Bras, scallop and celeriac emulsion, yellow carrot puree and lambs quarters


Food Photography: Summer Lovin
All About the Sea-New Zealand cockles, oyster mushrooms, baby lima beans, romanesco, white mussel foam —
Food Photography: Summer Lovin
Dragees-Freddy Guys Hazelnuts, caramelized and coated in Madagascar chocolate and cocoa powder


One of the benefits of being a food photographer is sampling the goods at the end of the session. I have probably put on five pounds sampling the vegetables, fish, pastries and chocolates. If you would like some for yourself Kristofer can be reached at: