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Making family portraits is my passion. I am thrilled to work with families that return year after year for family portrait sessions since I get to  photograph the children as they grow. I started photographing this family when they were pregnant with their first child in 2005. Since then, they have a second child and Applejack, the family bulldog has aged considerably. The beach is a place they frequent and enjoy so many of the sessions have been at different ocean and bay beaches. I choose playful and fun activities that the family can participate in. This series of photographs was made in the summer of 2013 and represent pages from their family storybook album.

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums


Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Each year this family chooses a new family activity to include in their album. Over the years, we have photographed Dad arriving at the train station, the town ice cream parlor, and pumpkin picking at Pumpkin-town. This year their older son had an interest in surfing. In the end, everyone participated.

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

Family Portrait Sessions, Making Storybook Albums

 Dad was a great sport opting for the final page with a giant splash!

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Working as a wedding photographer for over thirty years I have witnessed endless ways couples chose to celebrate one of the most special days of their lives. I had the fortune to photograph a lovely couple who chose a simple, elegant and meaningful way to exchange their vows. Starting at their home with a few family portraits, the ceremony took place at the beach between the predicted thunderstorms of the day. With only immediate family in attendance, everything went off without a hitch. The couple’s four children from a previous marriage looked on in excitement. After the “I Do’s” and much cheerful hugging and kissing, there were a few final portraits at the beach.

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

The way she looked at him, the way he looked at her, the deep love and joy was so apparent.  And isn’t that what marriage is all about? Love and Commitment, forever!



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Years ago, I lived on a farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I raised goats, chickens and honeybees. I grew vegetables and trained horses.  Springtime meant seeds in the ground, crocuses and daffodils beginning to flower, baby goats and chickens to tend to. The air was fresh. Horses felt like running and bucking. The temperatures were rising and the days were getting longer.

While the rest of the country has been through countless snowstorms, ice and cold this winter,I have been fortunate to winter in Florida. I greet springtime in Wellington.  In a walk around the block, there was new life to be found everywhere.


A mother duck herds her flock across a road. So many tiny ducklings, how does she keep track of all of them?

Springtime Photographs

A pony has a four day old foal. All it wants to do is eat and sleep.

Springtime Photographs

It doesn’t venture very far from its mother’s side.

Springtime Photographs

It has difficulty navigating those long legs to lie down and get up.

Springtime Photographs

I hope you enjoy my springtime and your own.

Take some time to slow down and marvel at the beauty of mother nature!!