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Every photograph I make has a story. The equestrian portraiture that I enjoy making began as a love story when I was a young girl. The first time I spotted I horse, I shouted with glee, “Horsey”. That same passion has been at the core of my existence and brought me to this land of free and wild horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. This is the story of a stallion and his herd.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Rising at dawn I drove the park loop searching for any sign of a horse be it a tail swish, an ear or even fresh manure. The particular morning, I made this image began with a sight of a head just over the ridge. I parked my car and slowly walked toward the other side of the hill for a better viewing spot. My efforts rewarded I found band stallion Silver with his large herd of mares and youngsters.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkSome grazed along the shadows, they moved slowly up the hillside. Their black coats almost made them disappear in the shadows of the mountains.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkThere on top of the hill was band stallion “Silver.” So magnificent with his flowing gray mane and tail set against the white color of his body. Every watchful for any danger that might approach his herd.He stood in the same place for a very long time.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkIt became apparent he had injured a front leg. He was not putting any weight on it. To move, he would rear back on his hind legs and shift ever so slightly his good front leg.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park My heart was aching. This was a terrible injury. Knowing well what it takes to survive in the wild, this seemed like potentially a life-threatening leg injury.
I photographed him in awe and silence. I sat and just spent time watching. When I felt it was time to move on, I started walking down the hill towards my car. Feeling torn about leaving, I turned back and to my pleasant surprise he had turned to watch me depart and so had his herd. I was able to make a few more images of him and his tribe.Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National ParkWild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Two days later Silver disappeared. His herd was split up between some of the major stallions in the park He was no where to be seen., Less than a week later, he was found deceased. A mighty legend in the park moving on to peace and a place in heaven.

The photograph of his tribe was chosen to hang in a juried exhibition at The Jewish Federation on Chapala Street in Santa Barbara, California. It’s a terrific show if you are in the neighborhood, stop by. The show is up until February 22, 2018.

Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park

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Family portrait session clothing choices are key to the photographs success. There are many good reasons to have a family portrait made. Your home is recently renovated and now you have the wall space for an heirloom family portrait. Maybe you have a teenager going off to college and not knowing exactly the next time everyone will be together, now is the right time for your portrait session. Maybe your family pet is getting older or do you have a new puppy? Whatever the reason, choosing the right clothing to wear is key to creating the best portrait of your family. This can be a daunting task in the face of all the possibilities and the personalities in your family. There are three key items to consider when choosing your clothing.

Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices

Here are three things to consider for choosing what’s best to wear:

1. The location of your family portrait Session.Is this portrait being done in a casual setting like at the beach or a park? Or is this a more formal setting in and around your home? Are you looking for a casual look or more formal look?

Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices
2. The room  you are displaying your wall portrait in. Where would you like to hang this portrait? Is it going in a living room? A dining room or bedroom? What are the key colors in those spaces? Are they neutral, if colorful- what colors. Do you like bold colors or pastel?Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices

3. Clothing color combinations.  What colors do you love that coordinate with your room? Think about making a “Bouquet of Flowers”. Since color harmony represents a pleasing balance of two or more colors, not everyone has to wear the exact same colored clothing. Once you choose your basic color, either use a monochromatic relationship varying the hues of that color, or a complimentary relationship of colors that balance each other out as in a flower arrangement. Below are three samples of color choices for family portraits.

Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices 
Complimentary: The pink, green and white colors all complement each other. Even though different colors are used, the tonality is the same and the colors blend well making the image a pleasing family portrait.

Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices
Monochromatic: A lot of portraits I make are at the beach. Blues of any shade usually look great in the finished portrait. In this photograph, the people are wearing blue and white. The blue water and white foam adds to the harmony of the finished photograph.

Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices
Complimentary: The orange and green clothing complement each other. The dune grass in the background adds to the harmonious look with the chosen colored clothing.


Don’t forget that simple and plain work best so the focus is on the person’s face. Avoid stripes, patterns and bold logos. Lighter tones are better than darker for outdoor location portraits. If in doubt about your clothing choices I can make a visit to your home before the session or meet you at a store and there is always the iPhone for quick photographs of clothing when you are at a store wondering if you should make the purchase. You can always bring several outfits to a session and if we are going to be at the beach, having at least two outfit changes are always a good idea in case someone gets too wet.

Family Portrait Session Clothing Choices

Most of all, remember to relax and enjoy your time together as a family. I will take care of the rest.

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Equestrian portraits for High School seniors has become very popular. With my experience as a lifetime equestrian and as an equestrian photographer, I know how to work with the horses and their riders. Planning and preparation make the sessions flow more effortlessly.

  1. Make sure the horse is fed and well groomed. Do attend to those ears and whiskers.
  2. I like have several outfit changes so bring along a variety from very casual to more formal attire.
  3. Have a groom to help manage the horse and keep him or her calm between clothing changes. Horses do like to take advantage of beautiful green grass and eat it any chance they get.
  4. Another helper can get the horses attention when needed.
  5. Choose a location that has a variety of settings.
  6. Start in the late afternoon to end with golden light.
  7. Bring peppermints!!

 Having had a successful show career with this horse and many others, saying good-bye to a “best friend” is never easy. Feeling the weight of responsibility to create an enjoyable session and lasting memories for Amber, I was helped by her grace, beauty and connection with her horse.

Horse Portraits