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When choosing what to wear for a family portrait session, I suggest to my clients to think about making a “Bouquet of Flowers.” Since color harmony represents a pleasing balance of two or more colors, not everyone has to wear the exact same colored clothing. Once you choose your basic color, either use a monochromatic relationship varying the hues of that color, or a complimentary relationship of colors that balance each other out as in a flower arrangement. Below are three samples of color choices for family portraits.


Complimentary: The pink, green and white colors all complement each other. Even though different colors are used, the tonality is the same and the colors blend well.

Clothing Choices For Family Portraits

Monochromatic: A lot of portraits I make are at the beach. Blues of any shade usually look great in the finished portrait. In this photograph, the people are wearing blue and white. The blue water and white foam adds to the harmony of the finished photograph.

Clothing Choices For Family Portraits

Complimentary: The orange and green clothing complement each other. The dune grass in the background adds to the harmonious look with the chosen colored clothing.

Don’t forget that simple and plain work best so the focus is on the person’s face. Avoid stripes, patterns and bold logos. Lighter tones are better than darker for outdoor location portraits. Most of all, remember to relax and enjoy your time together as a family.


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Seven tips for what to do when the forecast for your outdoor beach portrait day is supposed to be rainy with thunderstorms, gusty wind and your client has only one day they can schedule.

1. Pray for a break in the rain. Cross your fingers AND your toes!


2. Have a client who is at least flexible in terms of the start time. Look for a break between the showers.

3. Don’t panic if it starts to rain, it may be a small shower and blow over.


4. If the wind picks up look for a location with protection from wind.


5. Professional cameras are watertight, a little rain is OK. Keep shooting.

Tips on Photographing Families On Cloudy Rainy Days6. Stay positive. Keep smiling. If you have a good time, your clients will too.

Tips on Photographing Families On Cloudy Rainy Days7. Work with what you have. Think outside the box. Take a chance, try something new!

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As a family and children’s portrait photographer in the Hamptons I know the best expressions come from children having fun in an activity they enjoy. The expressions are natural and heartfelt. So a few years ago I started using my classic 18 foot Marshall sailboat to bring me and my families to remote beaches in picturesque Three Mile Harbor for family portrait sessions.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

To add to the excitement for young children, we pretend pirates have buried treasure. I make treasure maps that lead the children to the chest of jewels and rings. Sometimes when a child finds the treasure they would scoop it up and take off running to find a more secluded spot to examine the contents of the chest.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The shallow water around the beach lends itself to nets and fishing rods. There are lots of little fish and small sand crabs to find. Even if not found, the looking is fun.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The family pet has joined in the adventure. We have had bulldogs, labs, Chihuahuas and the like. Applejack and his trusty companions were in the dingy when he decided it was time to exit. The children had fun keeping the boat upright in the shallow water.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Sessions

As a child, my Dad used to take me and my brothers exploring. That has stuck with me through time. I like the quietness of the beach and letting children naturally explore the shoreline and inland seeing where their imaginations take them.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

The photographs at sunset are breathtaking with the golden light and deep blue water.

Hamptons Beach Adventure Portrait Session

Then off for a sail in the harbor at sunset and back to the dock with happy and sleepy children.

For more information on our Hampton Adventure Portrait sessions please contact Deborah at 631.324.1862 or email There is also a collection of photographs on Pinterest at: