A Girl And Her Horse, Emma And Condello

Equine Portraits from the Winter Equestrian Festival

I met Emma at the end of the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Florida this year. Her family had bid on my equestrian auction portrait at Just World International Benefit Gala earlier in January. Just World International works through the international equestrian community and its extensive networks to fund and sustain programs that provide basic needs in developing countries. It’s a terrific organization doing great work.

Emma and her mother Gunnel are from Sweden. Her horse Condello had been in The United States competing since January 2015. He was about to fly home so it was a perfect time to make some wonderful photographs of her and her partner.

Having grown up riding all my life I completely understand how your horse becomes your very best friend. Riding daily and getting your dose of a horse high takes you through your day with a smile on your face and happiness in your heart.

Gunnel was instrumental in helping to get Condello’s attention. When waving towels or shaking feed buckets became passe, she resorted to every horse’s reason for existing- carrots!!



Emma wanted memories of her horse in Wellington so after we used her stable as a backdrop, we ventured into the fields and the never-ending network of Florida canals. Condello seemed to come alive as she put him through his paces. He moved fluidly up and down the lanes and waterways listening for his next command from Emma. They seemed very at peace with each other and their strong bond was very apparent.


It was wonderful to be able to making some lasting keepsake photographs for Emma and her Mom.

View more equine photography here.