Sunlight Portrait Photography

Working as a location portrait photographer for many years, the world is my studio. My subject may be a child, a family, a bride and groom or a favorite pet. Be it a beach, garden, house or barn, I must use my environment to create an exquisite portrait. Sunlight can enhance or detract from the photograph I want to create. It helps to understand where the light is coming from [direction] and the quality of that light [soft or harsh] when positioning my subject. There are three types of lighting sources I use most.

1. BACKLIGHT: The first photograph is a demonstration of back light. There is sunlight in the hair, the faces are evenly lit. My lighting assistant has used a bounce card to add reflected light to the faces.

Sunlight portrait photography, understanding direction and quality of light

2. SIDELIGHT: The second photograph demonstrates side lighting. Half of the face is lit, the other half is shadowed. In the image below, my assistant used a reflector to add light to the shadow side of the faces. Having done this, the difference between the light side and shadow side is minimal and within the printing range of paper.

Sunlight portrait photography, understanding direction and quality of light

3. DIRECT LIGHT: Direct light at dawn and dusk has a soft orange glow. There is no need to add light or take it away. It is perfect as is. This is my favorite type of light and works when clients are earlier risers or patient at the end of the day and we are blessed with sunlight!

Sunlight portrait photography, understanding direction and quality of light

Light defines the face. Shadow gives it dimension. Expression gives it heart and soul!