Sandy: The Power Of A Hurricane

For the past three days, the news reports have been filled with news on hurricane Sandy: potential flooding, power outages, business and school closings and the effect of several storm systems converging. As a photographer living in the coastal town of East Hampton, New York, I am well aware of the effects of storms. A week ago I was photographing the changing the leaves. This morning, as the wind was building, I drove through the town of East Hampton and visited two of my favorite portrait beach locations. The peak of the storm is supposed to hit later today, but already the surf is growing and approaching the parking lots. The huge gusts of windy made standing still for photographing a challenge. This is not a day for portraiture but a great day for photographs of the surf!!

Photographs of the effects of the approaching hurricane Sandy

Photographs of the effects of the approaching hurricane Sandy

Photographs of the effects of the approaching hurricane Sandy