Monthly Archives: December 2012

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With Christmas Eve fast approaching, I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season! In the wake of the Newton tragedy,we are reminded how precious life is. Love those who are in your life now, reach out to those in need around you. Spread the gift of love and joy today and throughout the coming year.




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There is one in every family. Growing up, my Aunt Peg was the family documentarian, putting photographs in albums, writing captions, typing them out on her typewriter. She passed that love to document on to me. I took it one step further and became a family portrait photographer, creating heirloom portraits for other families.

I recently came across this very touching love letter from my great grandfather Harry C. Kahn to his wife Theresa dated May 6th, 1886.

                                                                                                               Family Heirloom Portraits to Treasure

 “To Theresa

 Be not false, unkind or cruel,

 Banish evil words and strife,

 Keep thy heart a temple holy,

 Love the lovely, aid the lowly,

 Thus shall each day be a jewel

 Strung upon thy thread of life”

Harry C. Kahn May 6th, 1886









Preserving and protecting valued photographs requires careful preparation and handling of every photograph. All of the work I produce is printed archival, cured and lacquered for long lasting protection. My hope is that someday, your child or grandchild will come across your photographs and have the thrill of seeing their family members as they grew up.

Heirloom Family Portraits to Treasure